Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A change in perspective

A few weeks ago I got an email from my friends saying they were selling their canoe and car.  Bubba and I usually check in with each other about big purchases, but I wanted that canoe!  I could see big adventures, and I jumped at it.  Bubba was skeptical at first, but over the past few weeks has gotten really excited.

(As an aside, this is one of the reasons we're so good together-I get excited about a new idea, and he is skeptical.  He either talks me out of doing something really off the wall or really big, or we start something really fun or really big.  My excitements are not usually small.  For example, buying a canoe.  Or a business.)

But then we brought the canoe home, and the first thing he does is see if he can haul it with his bike.  And, yes, he can.  Not well, however.  He will no doubt be refining his system.

How is he the sensible one???

And then we had to be patient, since he went back to work, but finally today we tried out our new canoe.  And thank goodness!  We had a crappy night last night, and were in crappy moods this morning, and then we started loading the canoe.  Onto the car.

We drove to a put in at the Fremont Canal literally a 3 minute drive from our house.  We got onto the water, and forgot all about our tired crappiness.  Because how awesome is this?

And how often do you see the Ballard Bridge from down here?
Usually I'm up top trying to relax because there's nothing I can do about being late and stuck in traffic while the bridge is up.  

Taking a running break

Snacktime for these hungry ones
Getting more comfortable

Getting a little too comfortable (at times)

Back on land

I thought we'd be out for an hour or two, but by the time we got back, it was 4 hours, and 4 happy moods later.  And to top it off, on the way home, really, in the 3 minutes we spent in the car, Aspen asked why we drove since we weren't going very far.  I think that might have been the highlight of Bubba's day.

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