Friday, June 14, 2013

Aspen's Pond and Ocean

We've gotten a little crafty in our house recently.  Bubba made a small world pond for Aspen and River, although it was made during his naps, so Aspen feels it is rightfully hers.  Maybe it is, she gave a lot of input on what it should include.

Pond small world

The pond contains a fish family, dragonflies, lilypads,

rushes, sedges or other wetland grasses, and cattails.

Aspen played with it for hours after it was made, telling stories about the dragonflies and the fish family.  We picked up rocks and sticks to add to it, as well as plastic "salamanders" (lizards actually) and snakes.  When I find frogs, I'll add those too. 

Since this was made, Aspen and I spend a couple of River's naps cutting out pond things in felt and talking. I really enjoyed creating things with her.

Bubba loved it so much that he made an ocean small world too.  

Sand dollar and rocks
Fish, sand dollar, limpet, fuzzy sea cucumber (I think)

Sea anemone

Sea anemone

The fish family

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