Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Business of Being Born

Last night I went to see the Business of Being Born with my badass future-mother-in-law. It was brought to Seattle by the Seattle Midwifery School, the first midwifery school in the United States. Afterward, there was a panel discussion by a local OB, a local midwife, and one of the women who started the Seattle Midwifery School, and Ricki Lake, who produced the documentary, and came up with the idea in the first place. The other two ladies had some serious credentials to their names too.

I would highly recommend seeing it. We all know that our health care system is broken. This looks at how that is affecting mothers, babies and families, and advocates for an alternative. The alternative that is generally accepted in almost every other developed country.

It all started when Ricki Lake had her first baby, and had a lot of interventions. When she got pregnant again, she started educating herself on her options, and found midwifery and homebirth.

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